S3 cross region replication with Terraform stacks

Manu Chandrasekhar
8 min readNov 28, 2024


There have been a few articles on Terraform stacks and how some of the core concepts with Stacks help you manage the deployment/provisioning of those multi region/multi account scenarios. I had one of those scenarios which I wanted to test to get a better understanding of Stacks.


S3 Cross region replication

The name itself suggests the challenge you have with this stack or configuration you are trying to stand up.

  • An S3 bucket in one region
  • A replication bucket in another region
  • The replication rules and necessary IAM roles in the first region referencing the second bucket.

Considering the way the Terraform workspaces are setup, this can be a pain to manage the relationships and dependencies you have here.Add in bidirectional replication and you have a bigger challenge with all those dependencies you will need to manage and orchestrate.

Enter Stacks

Terraform stacks are a configuration layer in HCP Terraform that simplifies the management of your infrastructure modules with some of the following use cases:

  • Deploy an entire application with components like networking, storage, and compute as a single unit without worrying about dependencies
  • Deploy across multiple regions, availability zones, and cloud provider accounts without duplicating effort/code

How is this done, though ? There are a few pieces to the puzzle.

Components, Providers and variables.

Components are an alternative to module invocations. If you are familiar with using a module with a source and variable inputs, you will feel right at home here.

component "cluster" {
source = "" # Can be local or from a source you can pull from
inputs = {
...... # variable inputs you would want to provide to the undelying module
providers = {
... # Not entirely new, but providers via components are a necessity as modules used for components cannot have provider definition in them. So this is your way to add provider details.
  • Defined under components.tfstack.hcl file

Providers in a high level are your configuration mechanisms to interact with a target platform ( Cloud provider, Artifact registry etc..)

  • They are different from your existing provider definitions in that they resemble your resource/datasource blocks you may currently have with the named blocks.
provider "aws" "<name_you_can_remember>" {
config {
region = <region>

assume_role_with_web_identity {
role_arn = .. # ARN of the role of the target platform you are deploying to
web_identity_token = .. # Workload identity token generated by a run in HCP Terraform
  • Defined under a providers.tfstacks.hcl file.

Variables are not a new concept and they mirror your root module variables if you have set one before.


Deployments are your programmatic way of defining what to include in a provisioning step and acts as your entrypoint for your Stack.

deployment "environment_id_you_want_to_use" {
inputs = {
identity_token = identity_token.aws.jwt
role_arn = store.varset.roles.role_dev

+ any other inputs which the components need as part of the module invocation
- Defined under a `<name>.tfdeploy.hcl` file.
- Reference : [deployment](https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/stacks/reference/tfdeploy)

Orchestration rules

Rules written in HCL which allow you to automation some of the repetitive actions based on some context information your stacks have based on the deployments. Terraform has been slowly easing us into this concept of checks with a condition and error_message to review a certain rule. This looks very similar to that in view, but helps to orchestrate the automation of approvals of your stack. If you do not specify a rule in your configuration, it will wait for the user to approve that deployment just like the auto-apply settings on a workspace.

  • One of the orchestration rules available is auto_approve which can be set to be based on some check in the format below.
orchestrate "auto_approve" “safe_plans” {
check {
#check that there are no resources being removed
condition = context.plan.changes.remove == 0
reason = "Plan has ${context,plan.changes. remove} resources to be removed."

Additional ones

store block

A store block can be used to reference a variableset in your HCP Terraform project which can include some credentials you want to read on runtime. Specify the variables you are assigning this value to as ephemeral and you can avoid having your variable value in your logs or state. I wish these could reference a name than an id since they are anyway scoped to the project.

store "varset" "roles" {
id = "<variables-set-id>"
category = "env"

# Access your variable set's value using your store and pass them into your
# deployment's inputs.
deployment "dev" {
inputs = {
role_arn = store.varset.roles.role_dev

identity_token block

The identity_token block gives you a token that you will be used to authorize the AWS provider in this case. This bases itself on the dynamic credentials mechanism which HCP Terraform has with AWS. There are few updates to the subject claim on the JWT compared to the workspace OIDC configuration ( in case of AWS). The trust relationship on the role would look something like below:

"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"app.terraform.io:aud": "aws.workload.identity"
"StringLike": {
"app.terraform.io:sub": "organization:<org_name>:project:<proj_name>:stack:<stack_name>:deployment:<deployment_name>:operation:<operation_type>"

Read more about the OIDC based authentication here

S3 Cross region replication stack

Lets dive into this one. The project structure in my case is as below. You could have your modules be referenced as an external source as well. All the code I have here is in the GitHub repo at s3 cross region replication
├── README.md
├── components.tfstack.hcl
├── deployments.tfdeploy.hcl
├── providers.tfstack.hcl
└── variables.tfstack.hcl
├── modules
│ ├── replication
│ │ ├── main.tf
│ │ ├── outputs.tf
│ │ └── variables.tf
│ └── s3
│ ├── main.tf
│ ├── outputs.tf
│ └── variables.tf


There are two modules:

  • An S3 module which deploys an S3 bucket and enables versioning with the bucket arn and id as outputs.
  • A replication module with an IAM role, policy and an S3 replication rule referencing a source and destination bucket.


Providers are defined in the root of the stack configuration here with the required inputs and region references. You could even add a for_each loop to the provider block if you so desire to make some components be deployed across multiple regions and referenced once ( Like in an IPAM Hub and spoke model)

required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "5.72.1"

provider "aws" "source" {
config {
region = "us-east-1"

assume_role_with_web_identity {
role_arn = var.role_arn
web_identity_token = var.identity_token

provider "aws" "dest" {
config {
region = "us-west-2"

assume_role_with_web_identity {
role_arn = var.role_arn
web_identity_token = var.identity_token


We are dividing this entire operation into 3 components.

  • One to provision the source S3 bucket
  • Second to provision the destination S3 bucket
  • Third to create the IAM roles and replication rules.

Note that the provider references for source and desintation are different.

component "source" {
source = "./modules/s3"
inputs = {
bucket_name = "${var.source_bucket_name}-${var.suffix}"
providers = {
aws = provider.aws.source

component "destination" {
source = "./modules/s3"
inputs = {
bucket_name = "${var.destination_bucket_name}-${var.suffix}"
providers = {
aws = provider.aws.dest

component "replication" {
source = "./modules/replication"
inputs = {
role_name = var.replication_role
policy_name = var.replication_policy
source_bucket_arn = component.source.bucket_arn
destination_bucket_arn = component.destination.bucket_arn
source_bucket = component.source.bucket_id
providers = {
aws = provider.aws.source


We have a deployment below which provisions the above infrastructure stack into those two regions. If we wanted to provision this to another account, all we need is another deployment block with a scoped `role_arn`.

identity_token "aws" {
audience = ["aws.workload.identity"]

store "varset" "roles" {
id = "varset-6pcUK8q4FQVLBRJY"
category = "env"

deployment "dev" {
inputs = {
identity_token = identity_token.aws.jwt
role_arn = store.varset.roles.role_dev

source_bucket_name = "manu-2024-source"
destination_bucket_name = "manu-2024-dest"
suffix = "dev"

replication_role = "stacks-replication"
replication_policy = "stacks-replication"

tfstacks CLI

The `terraform-stacks-cli` is a command-line tool for validating, initializing, and testing Stack configurations. I will skip the installation steps here which you can easily find in the documentation below.

More about the tfstacks CLI here

Additional files

  • .terraform-version : Stacks currently work with an alpha version of the Terraform binary and so you would need to ensure that is installed and saved into a file of this name.
  • .terraform.lock.hcl : Stacks currently need the lock file for the providers you are using to ensure it is pulling down that specific version. You can generate this by running `tfstacks providers lock ` command in your terminal from the root path of the stacks configuration.


From your HCP Terraform project, create a Stack(instead of workspace) and associate the repo which holds this code. You would need to enable Stacks beta from your organization before you are able to create a stack.

  • I had a variableset which held the role_arn for my target AWS accounts in the project which were read via the store block.
  • The role_arn was assigned the values of role_dev or role_prod values for the respective deployments used by the Stacks to authenticate with the AWS account.
  • Once the authentication was complete, the provisioning was in progress across those target accounts the role_arn was provided for( mapped to deployments) .

I am not diving into the details of the Stacks UI on setting this up, but that should be very intuitive for someone who has any familiarity with the workspaces and any deployments in general.

Plan details :

When the plan is executed, it does follow the source->destination->replication flow. I wish the plan structure shown in the applied configuration showed that order.

Terraform state:

As with any Terraform configuration , you would want to know that Terraform is managing the state for the configuration you provisioned. Stacks manage the state per deployment in HCP Terraform.

  • Open one of the deployments -> Select State history

The inspect state data option available on the page allows you to extract the state file if needed as state.tfstackstate.json. Snippet of the state managed below:

"format_version": 1,
"terraform_version": "1.11.0-alpha20241106",
"components": [
"address": "component.destination",
"component_address": "component.destination",
"instance_correlator": "qFdpMimf/Uj7lSI5gfo3VHp7WJub2kmHeHZn0VZNW80=",
"component_correlator": "sXZ+Hojf6Pd/ueCO6AQ1uhDKtfyKCfLzyrQeppezopE="
"resource_instances": [
"component_instance_correlator": "qFdpMimf/Uj7lSI5gfo3VHp7WJub2kmHeHZn0VZNW80=",
"component_instance_address": "component.destination",
"address": "aws_s3_bucket.this",
"mode": "managed",
"type": "aws_s3_bucket"



The idea of being able to provision this across multiple accounts and regions easily with a single infrastructure construct is a thing of beauty. I have had to deal with managing those dependencies in many ways to get a cross region replication setup configured for a source S3 bucket before this. We will dive into deferred changes and other stack specific details in a future article. Hopefully this gave you some more details into what Stacks offer from an infrastructure management standpoint.



Manu Chandrasekhar
Manu Chandrasekhar

Written by Manu Chandrasekhar

Advocate for developing software the right way. Can hold a conversation on Test Driven Development, DevSecOps, Test Automation and the few buzzwords

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